Analeptice pentru hipertensiune
Video shows what analeptic means. That restores or stimulates health. Of or relating to analepsis (form of flashback). Analeptic Meaning. How to pronounce, definition audio dictionary.analeptic [an″ah-lep´tik] 1. a drug that acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system, such as caffeine or amphetamine. 2. a restorative medicine. an·a·lep·tic (an'ă-lep'tik), 1. Strengthening, stimulating, or invigorating. 2. A restorative remedy. 3. A central nervous system stimulant, particularly used to denote agents that reverse.AUTORIZAŢIE DE PUNERE PE PIAŢĂ NR. 50/2007/01 Anexa 1' Prospect PROSPECT: INFORMAŢII PENTRU UTILIZATOR XYLO-NASAL 0,5 mg/ml, picături nazale, soluţie Clorhidrat de xilometazolină. Citiţi cu atenţie şi în întregime acest prospect, deoarece el conţine informaţii importante pentru.
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stimulating can put you on the path to systematic vocabulary improvement.Analeptic definition is - a drug that stimulates the central nervous system.The latest Tweets from Analeptic (@analeptic). analeptic: a restorative, or remedies proper to restore the body, when wasted or emaciated by disease or hunger; as in: it's analeptic, boogie woogie woogie.
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5 Iul 2007 Se pot administra analeptice, vitamina B1, hemisuccinat de insolaţie: îmbracă aspectul de edem cerebral cu hipertensiune intracraniană, prin .Recomandări privind administrarea concomitentă. ANALEPTICE. Cafeină hipertensiunii arteriale pulmonare. A se lua în considerare iniţierea tratamentului .anaerobioză • anafază • anafilaxie • anal • analeptic • analgezie • analgezină hiperparatiroidism • hiperplazie • hipertensiune • hipertimism • hipertiroidie .
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analeptic [an″ah-lep´tik] 1. a drug that acts as a stimulant to the central nervous system, such as caffeine or amphetamine. 2. a restorative medicine. an·a·lep·tic (an'ă-lep'tik), 1. Strengthening, stimulating, or invigorating. 2. A restorative remedy. 3. A central nervous system stimulant, particularly used to denote agents that reverse.Definition of analepsis in English: analepsis. noun mass noun. 1 Rhetoric A literary device in narrative, in which a past event is narrated at a point later than its chronological place in a story. ‘writers make strategic use of both analepsis and prolepsis in telling a story’.şi chiar moarte. hnediai se fac spăiături gastrice, transfuzie şi analeptice. cardiopatie ischcmicâ, hipertensiune artcrialâ, insufîcienţe rcnale şi hepatice gra- .
-> terapie medicamentoasă pentru hipertensiune arterială la vârstnici
Definition of analeptic in English: analeptic. adjective Medicine (chiefly of a drug) tending to restore a person's health or strength; restorative. Example sentences ‘His voice had gone soft, analeptic even, in an effort to make me release the iron-like grip I held.’.Treatment with analeptic drugs is not indicated in acute metal poisoning. Convulsions, however, can be treated with diazepam, 5–30 mg, given parenterally. Complications such as cerebral edema may occur in, for example, acute lead poisoning. This should be treated with dexamethasone given intravenously.utilizat frecvent în tratamentul hipertensiunii arteriale, anginei pectorale și sinonim: hexaclorciclohexan. analeptic - substanță cu acțiune stimulatoare .
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selectivi IMAO-A reversibili (tip moclobemid) poate determina pusee de hipertensiune arterială; Administrarea concomitentă cu antidepresivele triciclice sau tetraciclice, cu analeptice respiratorii de tip doxapram, cu oxitocină, cu medicamente pentru controlul greutăţii, cu medica’ie de tip substitutiv.An analeptic, in medicine, is a central nervous system stimulant. The term analeptic typically refers to respiratory analeptics (for example, doxapram). Analeptics are central nervous system stimulants that include a wide variety of medications used to treat depression, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder , and respiratory depression.Activatoare/regulatoare ale metabolismului cerebral, analeptice, neurotrope, nootrope prezena unor factori de risc, cum ar fi hipertensiunea arteriala, diabetul .
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a pharmacological substance that stimulates the central nervous system and also acts as an anticonvulsant.Nu trebuie utilizate stimulante (analeptice). Hipertensiunea arterială poate fi controlată cu un medicament alfa-blocant şi tahicardia cu un beta-blocant .Sintetice Pimeclon (Karion) Are efect analeptic, stimulând centrul respirator. hipertensiune excesivă, ce duce la insuficienţa ventriculară stîngă , 35 stază, .
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